This camp is for 7 to 14 year olds
(15 to 18 year olds are considered group leaders & earn community service hours)
At the CETPA Prevention Clubhouse
in the Merchants Square Shopping Center
4650 Jimmy Carter Blvd., Suite 113 Norcross, GA 30093
June 1st thru July 17th, Mondays thru Fridays, 9am to 4pm (there's a midsummer break from June 29th thru July 3rd)
(Before & After camp care services available from 7am to 6pm upon request)
This camp is designed to be mobile and can also be administered at any church, school or community center within a school district who serves a large percentage of at risk youth.
“The Moral of the Story” Performing Arts Summer Camp's primary goals are to:
- Give campers an inviting, safe environment to spend their summer
- Improve camper’s academic performance and desire to stay in school
- Develop camper’s leadership potential and skills
- Improve camper’s confidence and self image
- Broaden camper’s knowledge and experience in the arts
- Assist campers in preparing for a successful academic school year
- Have campers feel more comfortable “performing” in front of a group
- Develop camper’s theater arts skills such as: using facial expressions suitable for different emotions, using body language suitable for different situations, varying voice to convey meaning in a variety of different situations, and jazz & hip hop dance, music and singing skills
- Develop camper’s ability to clearly state thoughts, feelings, and ideas to others.
- Improve camper’s early decision-making skills that help them think critically about the choices they make and the social influences that interfere with good decisions.
This handbook includes detailed camp information. Please review the following information carefully, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. We look forward to working with your child(ren) this summer!
Contact Information:
Main Telephone number: 678-462-0535
The Melanie Thornton Youth Arts Foundation’s Web Site:
A typical day schedule:
The core hours for summer camp are from 9:00am to 4:00pm, however before and after camp services are available.
7:00 – 8:00 Early camper check in, early activities (music, dance, academic and/or drama games)
8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast for early campers & campers check in
8:30 – 9:00 Clean up and activity prep
9:00 – 9:15 Morning welcome, review of the day’s schedule
9:15 – 10:00 Performance music
10:00 – 11:15 Creative writing/script development, preparation & blocking, snack (language arts)
11:15 – 11:30 Bathroom and water break
11:30 – 12:30 Set development and preparation (math & art)
12:30 – 1:15 Lunch
1:15 – 2:30 Show Choreography
2:30 – 2:45 Bathroom and water break
2:45 – 3:45 script development or performance rehearsal
3:45 – 4:00 Snacks, Clean up and preparation for next camp day
4:00 – 4:15 Core camper check out
4:15 - 6:00 Music & Art appreciation activities, B & A camper check out
* Fridays are field trip days
Summer Camp Session:
There will be one summer camp session that will run for six weeks. The session will run from Monday, June 1st through Friday, July 17th (with a break from June 29th thru July 3rd) at the CETPA Prevention Clubhouse in the Merchants Square Shopping Center, 4650 Jimmy Carter Blvd., Suite 113 in Norcross, GA 30093. It is located near US Hwy 29 (Lawrenceville Hwy) on Jimmy Carter with the easiest access being from Britt road, in between the Exxon and Family Dollar. The Center has no signage for privacy purposes and is located next to Rodriguez Tools near the Food Depot.
For this summer the classic pieces we will be updating will be Victor Hugo’s novel “Les Miserable,” Robert Louis Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and one other "Surprise" piece. Campers will be guided through the process of discovering and analyzing “The Moral of each Story. They will create new stories based on the same moral themes of the original pieces in order to present a stage play. Camper’s will decide who the characters will be (what they look like, sound like, etc.), what the setting will be and what the scripts will be. Math and language arts skills will be developed in an exciting, fun filled way.
End of Camp Performance:
The performance dates will be Thursday, June 11th at the CETPA Prevention Clubhouse and Thursday June 25th and Thursday, July16th at 6pm at the Meadowcreek High School Theater, 4455 Steve Reynolds Blvd in Norcross. On performance days camp will be conducted in the theater, so that campers can finalize their presentations in the space where they will perform. Parents should plan on dropping off their child at the theater on those days.
Camp Tuition:
Summer camp Session fees are as follows: Intensive Session, June 1st thru June 12th fee is $170.00. Session I, June 15th through 26th and Session II, July 6th thru July 17th fee is $150.00 for each session. Sessions fees are due in full prior to the bginning of each session.
Campers will be provided with a healthy lunch and snack every day. If your child is allergic to any food items please make sure the details are annotated on your child’s registration form.
Camp Clothing:
Campers should dress casually and comfortably with shoes that will remain securely on their feet. Dresses and flip flops are not recommended. Art projects are common at summer camp and campers should dress appropriately. All campers are asked to wear their camp T-shirt on Fridays.
Absence Policy:
Please notify “The Moral of the Story” Summer Performing Arts Camp if you know in advance that your child(ren) will be absent from camp. There are no refunds or make-up sessions for missed days. Campers should plan to attend the entire camp. Absences affect preparation for the final performance.
Special Needs
“The Moral of the Story” Summer Performing Arts Camp Administration will note any medical conditions, allergies or special needs that were listed in the medical section of your registration form. “The Moral of the Story” Summer Performing Arts Camp programs and activities are inclusive. Open communication with families helps us create a successful environment for every camper. For any additional circumstances, if your child needs to take medication during the day, or to discuss your child’s needs, please contact Lois Chisolm at 678-462-0535.
Illness and Emergencies
If a camper becomes ill during camp, a parent will be contacted to pick up the camper. If a parent cannot be reached, the staff will call the emergency contact listed on the registration form. In case of serious illness or accident, every effort will be made to reach the parent and the contacts listed on the registration form. If no one can be reached, we will take the necessary actions for the health of your child. In the event of a serious emergency, 911 will be called first. If it is necessary for you to pick up your child in the middle of the camp day at “The Moral of the Story” Summer Performing Arts Camp, please coordinate with the site director in advance if you need to remove your child during the camp day.
Observation Policy and Separation Anxiety
Parents can observe the camp experience during the day. Please contact camp director in advance to schedule a convenient time based on the activities of the day. Some of our youngest campers may experience separation anxiety on the first day of camp. We find the most effective method for separation anxiety is a quick but loving goodbye from the parent. It is our policy that parents do not accompany campers into the classroom, as we have found that this heightens the distress of the camper. Once campers begin camp activities, anxiety typically diminishes.
Discipline Policy
Inappropriate behavior during camp will result in the following course of action:
1. Camper receives a verbal warning.
2. Camper will be asked to sit out of the activity until the teacher invites the camper to return to participate.
3. Camper will be asked to leave class and report to the director’s office.
4. The site director will contact the parent.
5. The site director and parent will collectively determine further action.
Before and After services for campers
Before and After camp services are available for campers from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm, Mon.-Thu. Campers should be registered for this service. There is a $25 per week per child fee for before and after camp services. There is a late fee of $1 per minute for picking up your child after 6:00pm.
Tax Information
“The Moral of the Story” Summer Performing Arts Camp is administered by The Melanie Thornton Youth Arts Foundation. The foundation is a nonprofit organization.
Friday Field Trips
A Fun field trip will be take place on Friday, June 12th during the intesive session only
Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents or Guardians must escort their camper(s) in and sign in and sign out their camper(s) every day. Sign in/out sheets will be available near the front door. Core Summer Campers should be dropped off at the camp location between 8:45 and 9:00 am. Core camp activities begin at 9am. Before and After Camp services registrants can be dropped off as early as 7:00 am and picked up between 4:30pm and 6:00pm. Parents/Guardians will be charged a late fee of $1 per minute for every minute after 6:00 pm in which the camper has not been picked up. The late fee is due on the day the camper is being picked up late.
Discrimination Policy:
The Melanie Thornton Youth Arts Foundation, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race/ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, veteran status, or age in the administration of any of its employment, educational programs, admissions policies, scholarship programs, performances, events, and other foundation-administered programs.
The foundation has designated the Director of its Operations to handle all inquiries regarding its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX and under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Title IX and Section 504 coordinator may be contacted as follows:
Director of Operations
The Melanie Thornton Youth Arts Foundation, Inc.
Mailing address: 3370 Sugarloaf Pkwy., Suite G2-145
Lawrenceville, GA 30044